May the Year of The Ox bring you prosperity and joy!
Darth Maul thinks so, too! ( Why do you think his lightsaber is red? )
Alright, back to business and the stuff that matters.
Last Saturday, I went back to both of my hometowns: Malacca ( mother's side ) and Batu Pahat, Johor ( take a guess! )
What happened at Batu Pahat, Johor?:
Me and my brother played Chess, LOT'S OF CHESS! Out of the fausands' of games we've played, he never won a single game! Poor guy...keep trying, pal!
Then, the whole family went to a Chinese restaurant. The lady on the stage was singing like crazy and she wouldn't stop! I can't even talk with anyone because my voice was muffled by the lady's singing!
But the food was okay, I guess...( I'll show you some pictures on my next post )
We went to bed at around midnight, after me and Alvyn played MORE CHESS!
The next day, we left for Malacca. Initially, the car was damned hot because my father parked the car under the afternoon sun without shade. And then there was the stupid rear seat-belt initiative. It can be very uncomfortable, especially if you're fat! ( To all overweight people out there, I meant no offense, guys! )
What happened at Malacca?:
Me and my brother played EVEN MORE CHESS!
I completed most of my homework. I've been lagging around for quite some time, especially with my History notes. So, the only thing I haven't finished is my Pendidikan Seni homework...It should be fun...
We had a 'homemade steamboat' for dinner. The food was okay, I guess...
We caved in at midnight again. ( I seriously need to get more sleep! )
We took off the next day at 6.15 pm. We used the Senawang - Seremban highway ( I don't know! The people on LiteFM calls it that way! )
Apparently, some stupid driver had caused a crawl along the entire highway. It was horrible! Furthermore, my family hasn't had dinner and it was almost 9 pm! We FINALLY had dinner at 10 pm! Man, food tastes so good when you're hungry!
I took a lot of pictures on my handphone. I'll show them to you on my next post, kay?
May the Force be with you...