Cool Red Outer Glow Pointer

Friday, July 23, 2010

SMKBJ "Open Day" 2010

Alright, I just came back from my school's "Open Day", where the students' parents are invited to come to school to collect the students' exam result slips, as well as discuss with the teachers about the students' progress, behaviour, etc...
Being a Prefect, I had to be at school by 7.05am, and I'm required to wear my blazer as well ( Obviously to impress the parents who are coming to the school! [ smiles ] )

Alright, when I arrived at school, our new Head Prefect, Arief Izzuddin, instructed the new Prefects to greet the parents when they arrive and help them get to their child's class.
Now, being an "usher" for the parents during Open Day is one of the toughest duties a Prefect has to perform, according to Theeban. An usher has to be friendly, good with people, and most importantly, memorise the specific location of each and every classroom! Tough, huh?
And guess what? Since I'm considered a new Prefect, I had to become an "usher"!

Well, there were quite a lot of Prefects that had to become ushers as well. Apart from the new Prefects, Hazeeq also told a few of the Form 3 Prefects to become ushers as well...
We ushers had to station ourselves at the front part of the school. Whenever parents arrive, we had to greet them, and then one of us had to escort the parents to their child's classroom.

We started "usher" duty at around 8am, I think. It was quite okay, and I soon got used to the heat generated by the warm air trapped within my blazer. Miraculously, I wasn't sweating that much either. Thank goodness!
Plus, I also managed to roughly memorise the positions of the classrooms by remembering the first letters of the class names.
For Form 3, "LEDOGZBS" ( Top floor: Lambda, Epsilon. Second floor: Delta, Omega, Gamma. First floor: Zeta, Beta, Sigma. )
For Form 4, "QBEOLDGZ" ( Top floor: Quartz, Beta, Epsilon, Omega. Second floor: Lambda, Delta, Gamma, Zeta. )
For Form 5, "BEZOGSL" ( Top floor: Beta, Epsilon. Second floor: Zeta, Omega, Gamma. First floor: Sigma, Lambda. )
Honestly, I was quite nervous at first. I was particularly worried about misleading the parents to the wrong classroom, or escorting them around the school in circles without ever reaching the correct classroom. Fortunately, everything went on smoothly...

At around 10am, I decided to take a short 5-minute break. I went to drink some water. Then, I met Jannah and Nani somewhere near the school canteen. We chatted for a short while, then I needed to return to the front part of the school to resume usher duty.
I continued usher duty. In the morning, I estimate that around 13-15 Prefects were on usher duty. At 10, there were only around 7-8 Prefects left. At 11am, only 4 or 5 Prefects remained, including me! Unbelievable!
My legs were seriously tired after escorting the parents up and down the stairs. Finally, at around 11.30am, I bumped into my mother on the top floor, after I had just finished escorting a parent to 5 Epsilon...

We made our way to 4 Beta ( my class ) to meet with my class teacher. Along the way, I met up with Hazwan, Sehran, Matthew, and Kent. After discussing some stuff with Pn. Salasiah ( class teacher ) and Pn. Hamirizan ( Biology teacher, who was sitting next to Pn. Salasiah... ), my mother and I proceeded downstairs. While we were on our way to the front gate, my mum and I met Lee King. We talked about "tuition","why many people didn't do well in their Add Maths exam", and some other stuff that I don't remember...
After that, my mum and I went to Giant for a while, and at 12 noon, we went to SKBJ to pick up my brother. Then, we were on our way home...

Well, yeah, that's it about Open Day...

May the Force be with you...

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