Cool Red Outer Glow Pointer

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

MSN on the fritz again!

Alright, I'm here again.

Okay, before I was banned from using the computer due to the PMR Examination, I made a video using the audio from the 300 trailer and videos from the video game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.

And it turned out awesome!
I synchronised the audio with the videos so well!
You should go and check it out, it's really cool!!!

I've posted it on YouTube.
You can check it out here:

Star Wars The Force Unleashed 300 Trailer

Don't forget to leave some "constructive criticism", kay?
Because for me, there's always room for improvement!
Oh, and never forget to rate and comment!!! [ smiles ]

Anyway, my Windows Live Messenger is on the fritz again!
I was using the old version of Windows Live Messenger and I didn't encounter any problems whatsoever.
But one day, when I tried to sign in, a message appeared that indicated it was compulsory for me to upgrade to the latest version of Windows Live Messenger.

And the latest version of Windows Live Messenger is NOT compatible with my computer.
Somehow, it doesn't seem to work!
So, I'll be using Yahoo! Messenger until further notice...

Anyway, all the Form 3 students are required to hand in all their textbooks tomorrow.
Wow, that's going to be tough work!
Especially since the combined weight of all the textbooks put together is immensely heavy!

Oh well...

I guess that's it.

Comment me, kay?

May the Force be with you...

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