Cool Red Outer Glow Pointer

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Little Spare Time...

Okay, since I have a bit of free time, I might as well take the opportunity to update my blog, right?
I managed to finish my Chemistry homework AND still have the time to go to the gym! Ahhh, I haven't been to the gym in ages! It feels so good to finally be able to work-out again! [ smiles ]

Anyway, after revising Chemistry for almost 4 hours, I actually started to enjoy doing Carbon Compound exercises! I particularly enjoyed esterification ( process of forming esters via reaction between an alcohol and a carboxylic acid.
Eg: ethanol + propanoic acid → ethyl propanoate + water, C2H5OH + C3H7COOH → C3H7COOC2H5 + H2O )
It's quite fun actually, once you get the hang of it...

Right, if your speakers are on, and they're NOT muted, you should probably be able to hear some music playing.
That's the sound of my Mixpod music player that I've just added to my Blogger page...
The reason: I was on YouTube, recording "I Don't Want To Miss A Thing" by Aerosmith, when I stumbled upon a Daughtry song, "Over You". Of course, I decided to check it out, because frankly, I like listening to Daughtry songs!
I listened for a while, and it turned out that "Over You" was quite an awesome song! It's a wonder how I never came across it before...

So now, my music playlist has two songs ( Two should be enough, don't you think? ) :
1. Over You - Daughtry
2. Life After You - Daughtry
I really wanted to include David Cook's new song, "The Last Goodbye" into my playlist as well. I DID manage to find it on YouTube, but strangely, it doesn't appear in the Mixpod search list... Oh well...

Okay, I don't intend to make this post a long one.
Besides, I don't really have anything else to blog about!
Well, as a final note, I really DO need to get a haircut! [ smiles ]

May the Force be with you...

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