Cool Red Outer Glow Pointer

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Compendium Of Games At School!

Alright, I went to school today, and as usual, I played Chess with Hazwan, Hari and Sehran.
Ashman didn't come today.

But after recess, instead of playing Chess, I played a variety of other games, including "Tower Blocks", "Donkey" ( It's a game involving poker cards. Don't worry, it has nothing to do with gambling! ) and "Snap".

I'm sure you guys are familiar with the games "Tower Blocks", "Donkey" and "Snap" and how they're played, right?

I've just discovered today that I suck at "Tower Blocks", but I think that's because Iman, Bridget, Nani and Yi Ling are all so "professional" at it!

As for "Donkey", after playing a few friendly rounds, Matthew, one of my good friends, decided that we should take things up a notch and make the game more exciting.
So, anybody who becomes the "Donkey" must take of some form of their clothes ( Excluding watches, bags and other irrelevant accessories )!

I only had to take off my neck-tie, because I only became the "Donkey" once.
As for my other friends:
1. Hari had to take of his tie as well
2. Sehran undid 2 buttons on his shirt
3. Kar Wai had to remove his neck-tie and take off his socks and shoes
4. Amir was completely safe: He never lost once!
5. Matthew got hit the hardest! He became the "Donkey" the most amount of times! Luckily he was wearing an inner shirt!

In the end, we stopped the game when Matthew became the "Donkey" again. If we continued, he would have to pull down his trousers and remove his inner shirt!
We all laughed so hard at the thought of that!
But we all pitied Matthew...

Then, I went to go and see what Jabbar, Jas and Evo were doing.
They were solving a Sudoku puzzle. And after they got fed up of that, they brought out a deck of UNO cards and started playing "Snap".

I joined in, of course.
I wasn't intent on playing Chess during the hot hours of the afternoon, coupled with the fact that the class I was in was more like an oversized microwave oven!

The three of them ( Jas, Jabbar and Evo ) were screaming "SNAP" like crazy!
And they were slamming their hands on the cards real hard!
The reddish colour on my hand was clearly visible!

Well, anyway, I was new to "Snap", but I did pretty well, I guess.
Or it could be just beginner's luck...
Oh well, at least I know how to play "Snap" now!

Okay, I guess that's it for now...

Comment me, kay?

May the Force be with you...

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