Cool Red Outer Glow Pointer

Monday, December 15, 2008

I want an Xbox!

I want an Xbox 360!

I want to experience the graphics and performance for myself!


I also want a Playstation 3...
It's not as good as an Xbox...

But it does have Blu-ray...

So I say... it too much to ask for both?

You know why I want these items?

My computer is SO unreliable, that's why!

It just shuts down for no reason at all! It doesn't even give you a warning! It just turns off!

How would you feel if you were halfway using the computer and suddenly it just shuts down by itself!? It's sickening!
I HATE it when it happens!!!

Oh by the way,
I know I'm copying Leek's blog about the 'Nintendo DS Wii', so what?

Anyway, the Wii is a respectable gaming console...It's not just some crap that Nintendo created!
In terms of gaming, it's quite awesome!

Well, that's it...
Keep me posted, okay?

May the Force be with you...

1 critical responses:

Essie said...

Uhm. I wouldn't really know about all this stuff but I think what my brother says is definitely true lar... which is that when considering a game console, you gotta think about the kind of games available to it, meaning the variety; and the popularity.

Does Xbox support the games you want? What about future games?

Like it's so infuriating how Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2 was for PS2, but Kingdom Hearts 3 will be for PS3.

I guess you also have to consider the future of the product. I mean, no sense buying an old machine when there's probably going to be some new evolution of the Nintendo Wii or whatever coming, right.

XD And about your computer... I bet you drool over the gaming machines and all that gamer-specific range of computer stuff. RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT =)