Cool Red Outer Glow Pointer

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Year 2010 incoming!

Well, today's the final day of 2009.
At midnight tonight, 2009 will end, and 2010 will begin.
In other words, today is New Year's Eve.
Exciting, no?

Besides that, I finally finished my Adobe After Effects Project.
And I'm quite satisfied with the result.

The video file is 1 minute 29 seconds long and is called "Andrew vs Alvyn".
Obviously, it involves me and my brother, Alvyn, dueling with lightsabers.
It took me around 11 days to complete...

I'm planning to post the video on YouTube, this blog, and possibly on Facebook too.
But that could take quite a while due to the 308MB file size.
So, I'm just gonna post some snapshots of the video here for now.

Credits to my father for providing the camera, my brother for choreographing, and of course me for building the lightsabers and creating the visual and audio effects.


Honestly, this would have looked much cooler in HD...[ sigh ]

Heh! Lightsaber locks - classic stuff!

Of course, I made this video because I was inspired by a video on YouTube called "Ryan vs Dorkman". If you don't know what it is, just go and type it in the YouTube search box.
It's awesome!
They even have a sequel - "Ryan vs Dorkman 2".

Well, at least the people who made "RvD" and "RvD2" had a HD ( High Definition ) camera.
If only I had one...
Think of all the possibilities...[ stares into space ]
Anyway, I hope that the video won't take too long to upload. Worse comes to worst, I'll just have to compress the video to make the size smaller...

It took me a lot of effort and determination to make this video, so I hope you guys enjoy it!
IF I manage to actually post it somewhere, that is!
Wish me luck!

May the Force be with you...

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