Cool Red Outer Glow Pointer

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Force Lightning Rocks!

Alright, I've just completed my latest Adobe After Effects Force Lightning project.
And remember in one of my recent posts, when I said that this video wouldn't be all that it's cracked up to be ( Due to the on-the-spot choreography, horrible location, and whatnot... )?
Well yeah, it's kind of true. Kind of...

Anyway, I've decided to name the video "Force Lightning Rocks". I actually considered just naming it "Force Lightning", or "Force Lightning Is Awesome" and stuff like that. But all of them just didn't sound right...
Oh well...

Oh, me and my brother intentionally created this video for fun, AND to showcase my skill at creating the Force Lightning effect in Adobe After Effects.
It is NOT a serious project in any way! It is merely for fun...
It was filmed just a week before my Mid-Year Examination, for crying out loud!
So, don't be too disappointed if the video doesn't live up to your expectations or whatever...

Right, here it is...
Oh, and one more thing!
Before you watch the video, please, PLEASE, make sure the quality is set to 480p, NOT 360p, okay?
Trust me, there really is a big difference in quality! So please, make sure the quality of the video is set to 480p before watching! ( This applies for all my other videos too, yeah? )

So, uhhh, what do you think?
And of course, you are very welcome to provide me with some "constructive criticism"! Please, I acknowledge it! I need the feedback in order to make my upcoming videos better! [ smiles ]

Oh, and notice the "YouTube-ian" design of the media player above.
It means that my video is already on YouTube.
You could go ahead and watch my video there by following this link:
Force Lightning Rocks!

Well, that's it for now.

May the Force be with you...

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