Cool Red Outer Glow Pointer

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Avatar, in 3D!

Okay, I really need to return to Adobe After Effects to resume working on my project, so I'm just going to get straight to the point in this post.
Yesterday, I watched the film "Avatar". You know, the one directed by James Cameron...

I watched it at 8pm at the TGV Cinema, Sunway Pyramid.
Plus, my parents decided to try experiencing the movie in 3D!
So before we entered the cinema, some people provided us with 3D glasses.
Truth be told, this is the very first time any of us actually watched a movie in 3D!

So, we went in, found our seats, and put on our 3D glasses.
I thought 3D was gonna be awesome, but honestly, I think it isn't all that it's cracked up to be.
I mean sure, the first few scenes were great. But a short while after that, I had the super strong urge to just take off the glasses and watch the movie normally.

The 3D glasses actually makes the whole movie darker and harder to see than it actually is.
I did a comparison - When I put on the glasses, the movie appeared much dimmer than when I took off the glasses.
This flaw is a real headache, especially during night scenes in the movie.
And I never got to see every detail and aspect of the movie, because everything was so damned dark when I had those glasses on!

Anyway, about the movie itself, it's actually kind of cool.
The human race versus the indigenous Na'vi.
All out war on a fictional Earth-like moon called Pandora in some distant planetary system...
Sounds interesting, no?

Oh, and I can't help but notice that the military hardware that the humans use in the movie are strikingly similar to the battle units in "Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars".
The so-called "gunships" or attack helicopters in Avatar closely resemble the "Orca Assault Craft" in C&C3.
And the "human mech suit troopers" in Avatar looks and behaves exactly like a "Zone Trooper" would in C&C3! It's just that the mech troopers have no railgun, that's all. Otherwise they're completely identical.
But I guess that's all just a coincidence...

Well, I'm not saying anymore.
I don't want to spoil the surprise!
As we all know, everyone hates "spoilers"!

But other than that, the visual effects in this movie were rather impressive.
Simply put, "it's awesome!", as quoted by Ashman.

Well, I guess that's it for now.
I've gotta return to my project now if I'm going to meet the deadline - I have to finish this thing before the new year. Pretty tight deadline, in my opinion...
Oh well...
Only 11 seconds of footage left!

May the Force be with you...

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