Cool Red Outer Glow Pointer

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Dash Finally Updates His Blog Again!

Alright, I've got nothing much to blog about nowadays.
So, I think is going to be quite a short post.

I've been running out of steam ever since I reached my 100th post.
Coupled with the fact that I only have four Star Wars pictures left to blog with, including this one.

And I'm reminiscing the fact that my first post on Blogger is unbelievably short compared to my later posts!
Go ahead and check!
It's unbelievable!

Oh well...

Okay, I watched a movie called "Eagle Eye" a few days ago and it stars Shia LaBeouf.
It's something about assassination and computer AI ( Artificial Intelligence ).
It was quite a good movie, I guess...

Yeah, I know I've been watching quite a lot of movies lately.
Don't worry, I've been studying!
My mother makes sure of that! Trust me!

And Dashana, you've finally updated your blog! Good for you!
Keep it up, yeah?
Don't stop blogging! Don't let your blog die!

Oh yeah, same goes to you, Haziq!

Alright, that's it for now.

Comment me, kay?

May the Force be with you...

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