Cool Red Outer Glow Pointer

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Another English Oral Test! Ugh!

Alright, the picture on the left is one of those non-clone pictures that I managed to find on random Star Wars websites.

I know, it's considered ancient. But hey, it's better than nothing, right?

Anyway, I've got a lot of stuff to do, but so little time to do it!

Firstly, there's that ASEAN Scholarship interview to go through.
[ sigh ]

Secondly, Ashman and I have to do an Oral Presentation for English.
The topic of our presentation is "Home-schooling vs Formal-schooling".
Ugh, how tedious!
Don't I have enough work on my hands already?

Oh, if anybody out there knows anything about the presentation topic above, please, don't be shy to share your opinions, kay?

There's homework for BM, too...
We have to find information regarding "peranan wanita dalam pembangunan negara" or something like that.
Honestly, I'm just too lazy to do Pn Norshimah's homework...
[ long sigh ]

Try and put yourself in my shoes.
Then, and only then, will you be able to see how much stress I'm going through.
[ really long sigh ]

Well, on a lighter note, I've discovered a new application on Facebook.
It's called "Word Island".
It's kind of like Scrabble, only in here you're playing alone and you have to collect as many points as you can before the time runs out.
No sweat, right?

It's just that, I can't believe Ashman has the highest score!
He's got a score of 10,741 points.
I have to beat him somehow!

And my value on "Friends For Sale!" has now increased to $12,913,019!

Well, I guess that's it.

Don't forget to comment me, kay?

May the Force be with you...

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