Cool Red Outer Glow Pointer

Sunday, July 5, 2009

My First Video Upload On Blogger!

Alright, I'm here.

Okay, this is probably the first time I've ever posted a video on Blogger.

It's an introduction for my video-making crew, Force 138 Productions.
Sorry if it's a bit blurry.

I tried to upload it in AVI format, but it just took to long too upload.
So I had change it to WMV format.

The original video file stored on my computer is much clearer and does not lag that much.

I took the video clip from here:

Star Wars The Old Republic E3 Trailer

I edited it using Windows Movie Maker again! Sorry!
I might be using this introduction if my team is tasked to make another video.

Well, here it is!
I'm sure I don't have to tell you this, but be sure to pause my music playlist before you watch the video, kay?

Yes, I know. It could have been SO much better.
Hey, I'm just an amateur, kay?
But I'm happy to listen to any "constructive criticism"!

Besides that, my RC Gourmet Points just reached 90000!

I also made a few modifications:
1. I added one more toilet.
2. I changed my wallpapers and floors.
3. I added 2 sinks.
4. I added two more plants.
5. I changed the wall dividers separating the toilets from the rest of the restaurant.
6. I placed 4 of my award trophies on top of my room divider blocks.
7. I added two more windows.

I've finally upgraded my Margarita Pizza to Level 3! Yay!

And apparently, cheese is in hot demand among the beginners in RC...
Don't ask me why!

Well, I guess that's it.

Comment me, kay?

May the Force be with you...

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