Cool Red Outer Glow Pointer

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Environment Walk?

Alright, I just have one thing to say...


Why on earth do we have to study Sejarah for?!
I just don't get it!
It's a pointless subject!!!

[ sigh ] [ calms down ]
Oh well...
Life is hard...

Anyway, I discovered that my birthday is on the last day of the PMR trial exam!
It's on a Thursday. Yay!
So, it turns out that I will be celebrating my birthday after all!

And I want birthday presents...
Lots of birthday presents!

Besides that, I stayed back at school to participate in an activity called "Environment Walk".
Participants have to walk around the school perimeter and look for trash.

It was quite fun, I guess...

I managed to collect 310 grams worth of plastic wrappers, food containers, bottles and aluminium cans.
Well, at least I collected more trash than Hazwan!

But Lee King cheated! He put a flower pot in his trash bag!
And I'm not talking about those cheap, plastic flower pots!
That's not fair! That doesn't count as trash!

Oh well...
At least I'll get a certificate.

Someone rated my restaurant in RC...
5 stars! Woah! Cool!
I couldn't believe it!

But a week later ( today ), I checked my restaurant again,
and it turns out that my rating decreased to 3 stars! Unbelievable! [ cries ]
[ sigh ]
Oh well, it's just a game...

Okay, I think my next post is probably going to be my last post until after my PMR trial examination. [ sigh ]
So, I guess that's it for now.

Comment me, kay?

May the Force be with you...

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