Cool Red Outer Glow Pointer

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Missed Call?

Okay, I'm here...

Actually, I don't have much to blog about.
Nothing interesting's happened so far.

But I'll try and dig up what I can, kay?

Let's see...
Oh yeah, Restaurant City! I almost forgot...

To be honest, it's getting kind of boring because my Gourmet Points increase very slowly now.
My restaurant used to level up really fast!
But now, my Gourmet Points increase quite slowly...

At least my popularity is always around 48, 49, and 50.

I changed my floor tiles.
I got a new award for decorating my avatar ( emo style! ).
I added two more toilets.
And I finally added dividers to separate the toilets from the rest of my restaurant.

Oh and Essie, my food is not that low-class!
Here they are:
Starter - Standard Garden Salad
Main - Standard Margarita Pizza
Dessert - Simple Kiwi Sorbet

Anyway, Ashman kept calling to ask me about the Geography Folio.
He's still not done with it yet.
I pity him because he seems so desperate!

Strangely, Jas called me at around 9.50 in the morning, but I didn't answer because I was not with my handphone at the moment.
I saw there was a missed call on my handphone from Jaslyn.

Erm, Jas, do you know anything about this?

Well, I guess that's it.

Comment me, kay?

May the Force be with you...

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